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Noémie Goudal: Stations at The Finnish Museum of Photography

noemie goudal finnish museum of photography installation - Photo by Henna Helenius
Noemie Goudal - Finnish Museum of Photography installation view - Photo by Henna Helenius

I find myself frozen in front of this marvelous discovery, Nelly has woken up early this morning and she has prepared a strange but delicious portion of Matcha tea, something that has been preserved from the early days we arrived at this planet. After moving from the dying Earth all the possible food was brought with us, one rule to include them was the presentation, grains and dried portions in cans were primary options. So we get the Matcha with us. We fail to save the Earth, but humans. Well, only for those who were called indispensables. There was not a Noe's Arch.

There was not evident desperation, once the eminent scientists and major politicians took the psycho decision to eliminate the sorrow of the blue planet, everything after that was covered with beauty. The way, a core nuclear explosion to immediately calm the people's suffering. In seconds million lives were transformed in sparkling lights dispersing through the cosmos. Souls done matter. Beautiful act of justice. 

All people knew the end was unavoidable, in the last months the air was so dense that lots of inhabitants died by the inexistence of oxygen in the surroundings. So, the time had a sunset. And everybody had their own dose of responsibility on it. So do we.

Less than one percent of the global population had the physical conditions to survive on the asphyxiating conditions. We, as part of the fortunate group which had the resources and the info to build green camps to keep minimal adequate conditions for life, were contacted by a highly educated group of adventurers who wants to travel to the recently presented in society planet C. Money and technology, were always great lovers. 

The choice was done and the method established. Just a few clans for a new beginning. People with knowledge and the possibility to work hard; politicians with control over the resources necessaries and rich ones to support the financial efforts were selected over the last ten years of orbit of the planet Earth. The adventure was suicidal. The idea was to die with the satisfaction of the explorers, a motivation to survive in a dying world…

The visual proposal of Noémie Goudal could be a depiction of our fictional story, it could be situated as the colonization experience of this group of space sailors. An opening possibility to loneliness in a new grey world. Flooded with whispering cold souls, the scenes were born in the calamities of find hope in places where nobody could escape from apocalypse. A winter nostalgic reminder of the non-occurred future.

In this dying world, the astral objects are built of a conscious nature to judge. Thundering moons levitating over polluted skies gazing at the empty landscapes. Astral emperors waiting for the new forms of life. Crafted from the horizon, they are white holes that transport essential wisdom from broken skies. A beautiful reminder of eclipsed moments shining above the highest mountains, landscapes wrapped in stillness waiting for the implosion.

Noémie Goudal is presented in a solo exhibition at The Finnish Museum of Photography, Helsinki, during the days the visitors could enjoy photographs from the projects “Observatoires" and “Southern Light Stations”. The exposition runs until August 12, 2018. From the visual artist who used to do photographic installations creating new realities, these series probably represent her most aesthetically valuable developed pieces.

photo by Noemie Goudal - station ii | imagenes bonitas chidas bellas tristes, surrealismo fotografico, cool stuff, black and white art pictures, sad moon, lonely landscapes.
Photo: Noemie Goudal - Station ii

photo by Noemie Goudal - Station viii | imagenes bonitas chidas bellas tristes, surrealismo fotografico, cool stuff, black and white art pictures, sad moon, lonely landscapes.
Photo: Noemie Goudal - Station viii

photo by Noemie Goudal - Station v | imagenes bonitas chidas bellas tristes, surrealismo fotografico, cool stuff, black and white art pictures, sad moon, eclipse.
Photo: Noemie Goudal - Station v

photo by Noemie Goudal - Observatoire iii | imagenes bonitas chidas bellas tristes, surrealismo fotografico, cool stuff, black and white art pictures, sad, lonely landscapes.
Photo: Noemie Goudal - Observatoire iii

photo by Noemie Goudal - Observatoire vi | imagenes bonitas chidas bellas tristes, surrealismo fotografico, cool stuff, black and white art pictures, sad, lonely landscapes.
photo by Noemie Goudal - Observatoire vi

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